Admiration collection
Types of flooring:
Pre-varnished , Engineering floors
Below ground , On ground & Above ground , Condo
Types of flooring:
Pre-varnished floors
The Look of White Oak
The grain of White Oak is similar to that of Red Oak, and its growth rings arealso highly visible. Its color ranges from lightcreamy beige tograyish brown. White Oak will undergo moderate color changes overtime, taking on a slightly amber tone.It is essentially a straight-grained woodwith a medium to coarse texture and longerraysthan Red Oak. To maintain the wood’s elegance for many years, Mirage applies a UV protector at the finishing stage.
The sapwoodof White Oak is almost white, while the heartwood is grayish brown.
White Oak: So beautiful by nature!
We install your floor or for practical information please refer to the installation guide.
For more information, contact us.